Best File Not Found Starfield Build Guide (2024)

Discover the best File Not Found Build Guide in Starfield and how to create a powerful character with recommended skills, background, traits, weapons, and armor.

This build was updated for game version Starfield Update 1.11.33 – May 2024.

Table of Contents


  • Features and Mechanics
  • How to Boost Pack
  • Background
  • Traits
  • Skills
  • Level Progression
    • Levels 1 – 10
    • Levels 11 – 20
    • Levels 21 – 30
  • Weapons
  • Armor
  • Starborn Power
  • Companions
  • Build Summary

File Not Found Build Introduction in Starfield

The File Not Found build is a versatile and balanced build that is good for both combat and exploration. This build can be further customized by choosing perks focusing on combat, exploration, or a combination of both. For example, you could choose perks that increase your damage output, improve your survivability, or give you new abilities. The File Not Found build is a good choice for players who want a build that can do it all.

If you select the Alien DNA trait, the File Not Found build has various role-play elements. With a mysterious origin story, this wayward Starfield build can unfold any way you like. With a versatile background and skill selection, File Not Found makes an excellent overall build in Starfield.

File Not Found Build ProsFile Not Found Build Cons
Great Weapon DamageWeapon Focused
Versatile Needs Crafting
Create Your StorySkill Point Heavy

Features and Mechanics for Best File Not Found Build in Starfield

The following list presents all the essential File Not Found Build Mechanics and Features in Starfield:

  • Damage: Ballistic & Laser
  • Range: 20 meters
  • Weapon: shotgun
  • BestSkills: Shotgun Certification, Boost Pack Training, Marksman
  • StarbornPower: Reactive Shield
  • Background: [File Not Found]
  • Traits: Alien DNA, Wanted, Extrovert
  • Companion: Vasco


Best 5 Starfield Builds

How to Boost Pack in Starfield

To use a Boost Pack in Starfield, you need the Boost Pack Training Science skill and a pack with an installed boost pack. Once you’ve met those two requirements, you can hit jump a second time to get a boost. You will have a white meter that consumes this resource each time. Thus, can even amplify this ability with the Boost Assault Training skill from the Tech skill tree and do damage when you boost. Get Boost Pack Training early as it’s one of the best skills in Starfield and the most fun.


File Not Found backgroundin Starfield gives you Wellness, Ballistics, and Piloting skills at level 1. Here’s of the File Not Found Background skills in Starfield:

  • Wellness: Increase your maximum health by 10%.
  • Ballistics: Ballistic weapons do 10% more damage.
  • Piloting: You can now utilize ship thrusters.

These skills are given to you at level 1 and you progress by using the skill or some other function. Fitness levels up by using up all of your Oxygen 20 times. Ballistics levels by killing enemies with Ballistic Weapons.Wellness you will have to heal for damage. You should be using Ballistic Weapons and Boost Packing while in combat. You can tell if a weapon is Ballistic by the icon on the top right corner. Look for a grenade explosion and not an energy symbol.

[File Not Found] – Oddly, there’s no information on file about your past life. Clerical oversight? Deletion by some powerful unknown faction? Or was there just nothing of note to mention? Whatever the reason, your past is known only to you. What’s important is the here and now, and the path you’re about to forge.


Alien DNA, Wanted, and Extrovert are the best traits for a File Not Found build in Starfield because they aid in oxygen capacity while exploring or giving a damage boost when health is low. Here are the list of recommended Traits for File Not Found:

  • Alien DNA: You volunteered for a controversial experiment that combines alien and human DNA. As a result, you start with increased health and oxygen, but healing and food items aren’t as effective.
  • Wanted: Someone put a price on your head, and word has spread. Occasionally, armed mercenaries will show up and try to kill you, but being cornered gives you an edge – when your health is low, you do extra damage.
  • Extrovert: You’re a people person. Exerting yourself uses less oxygen when adventuring with human companions, but more when adventuring alone.

Traitsare optional customization options inCharacter Creation. Players can select up to three attributes from a comprehensive list oftraitsto further shape their protagonists. The May 2024 update allows players to change their traits on a New Game + (Unity). Thus, you can change them both in the game and in a new game, which keeps your progress but starts the universe over.


Boost Pack Training, Shotgun Certification, and Weapon Engineering are the best perks for the File Not Found build because they give you crafting, damage, and mobility within three skills. Boost Pack training increases mobility and survivability through jet packs. Shotgun and Rifle certification increases the damage of your two weapon types and is helpful for overall combat—Weapon Engineering and Spacesuit design aid in crafting and upgrading your guns and armor. Moreover, we have selected various spaceship skills to help with traveling and space combat.

You should try to rank upskillsby completing their requirements. For example, Boost Pack Training hits Boost Pack constantly in combat to level it up very quickly. Leave one enemy alive, continually boost the pack as you have fuel, and you can complete the progression in one encounter.

Level Progression

We recommend File Not Found Background, which unlocks Wellness, Ballistics, and Piloting. You’ll want to increase the science tree quickly to gain weapon engineering and spacesuit design. From there, you can spend points in tech to advance your spaceship and combat for gunplay. Shotguns and rifles are the best weapons to use and easily increase damage.

Starfield leveling progression system gives you three skills at level one via your background, then one skill per level without a level cap. You will need several skill points in each tree to move to the next level and pick higher-tier skills. Unlike other Bethesda games, Starfield requires you to use or complete specific objectives with your skills to take a higher rank. For instance, in Boost Pack Training, hit Boost Pack constantly in combat to level it up very quickly. Leave one enemy alive, continually boost the pack as you have fuel, and you can complete the progression in one encounter. This is why we jump from tree to tree, giving you time to level up your skill ranks. Come back or take another skill in the progression if you haven’t reached the level.

Levels 1 – 10

Here’s a list of the best skills to select from levels 1 – 10 with the File Not Found BuildGuide in Starfield:

  • Level 1: Wellness, Ballistics, Piloting
  • Level 2: Boost Pack Training
  • Level 3: Medicine
  • Level 4: Astrodynamics
  • Level 5: Shotgun Certification
  • Level 6: Stealth
  • Level 7: Gastronomy
  • Level 8: Ballistics Rank 2
  • Level 9: Laser
  • Level 10: Rifle Certification

Levels 11 – 20

Here’s a list of the best skills to select from levels 11 – 20 with the File Not Found BuildGuide in Starfield:

  • Level 11: Medicine Rank 2
  • Level 12: Astrodynamics Rank 2
  • Level 13: Weapon Engineering
  • Level 14: Spacesuit Design
  • Level 15: Boost Pack Training Rank 2
  • Level 16: Particle Beams
  • Level 17: Shotgun Certification 2
  • Level 18: Demolition
  • Level 19: Targeting
  • Level 20: Rapid Reloading

Levels 21 – 30

Here’s a list of the best skills to select from levels 21 – 30 with the File Not Found BuildGuide in Starfield:

  • Level 21: Marksman
  • Level 22: Ballistics Rank 3
  • Level 23: Armor Penetration
  • Level 24: Weapon Engineering 2
  • Level 25: Spacesuit Design 2
  • Level 26: Boost Pack Training 3
  • Level 27: Security
  • Level 28: Shield Systems
  • Level 29: Energy Weapon Systems
  • Level 30: Starship Design


The best weapon for File Not Found Build is the Big Bang Particle Beam Shotgun because it has incredible burst damage, good range, and ballistic and laser damage type. Even without mods, this weapon will carry your damage in close-range fights like inside buildings and ships. The ranged weapon option for sniping is the Hard Target Rifle. This will give you great damage at range, is easy to obtain, and pairs well with a short-range shotgun.

Here are the best weapon traits and perks for the Big Bang Particle Beam Shotgun weapon in Starfield:

  • Shattering: Breakthrough even the strongest armor
  • Lacerate: Randomly applies a bleed effect to the target.
  • Rapid: +25% increase in attack speed.

Weaponscan have up to 8modificationsdepending on the type. Eachmodrequires materials or resources and the Weapon Engineeringskillfrom theScienceskill tree. You will also have toresearchmod upgrades via aresearchstation, and it can take some time to unlock the full potential of the gun and weapons.Weaponshave four qualities: white, blue, purple, and legendary yellow. If aweaponis blue or more significant in rarity, it comes with a perk or a trait. These add additional effects in addition tomodifications.


The best armor for File Not Found Build is the Mercenary armor: spacesuit, power pack, and helmet. The Mercenary armor in Starfield is excellent because it has a well-rounded stat distribution, making it suitable for combat and exploration against various damage types and environments. It also has several other bonuses, such as increased carry weight and sprinting speed. Here are the recommended armor perks and traits for a File Not Found build in Starfield:

  • Headhunter: Deals +25% damage on the next attack after hitting a target’s head
  • Reactive: 10% chance to stagger nearby attackers
  • Sentinel: 75% chance to reduce damage by 50% while standing still

Armorsare available in four distinct qualities: white, blue, purple, and the legendary yellow. If anarmorpiece holds the rarity of blue or higher, it boasts an accompanying perk or trait. These augmentations introduce supplementary effects alongside any modifications. For instance, the “Beast Hunter” perk reduces damage from Alien enemies by 15%. Inspect each blue or greater armor mod and see if the trait and perk align with your build.

Starborn Power

The best Starborn power for File Not Found Build is Reactive Shield because it provides superior protection at range or up close. This power also reflects damage, and with a 35 power cost, you can cast it frequently based on its duration. Sense Star Stuff is another great Starborn power because it helps detect enemies and friendlies.

Starborn Powersare earned through themain storycampaign. You will encounter artifacts early on and acquire more of them as you progress. Using Vlad, located in the eye, and theConstellationgroup, located at the Lodge, to find more. Spend time discovering and exploring Temples to progress this power.


Best File Not Found Starfield BuildGuide (16)

The best companion for the File Not Found Build is Vasco because the robot can access three high-powered Starship skills that the background lacks. Here’s a list of Vasco skills:

  • EM Weapon Systems: EM ship weapons have 10% increased damage and cost 15% less to use in Targeting Mode.
  • Shield Systems: Your ship has a 40% increased shield capacity.
  • Aneutronic Fusion: Ship reactors produce 1 extra unit of power.

You can also choose to play solo but require heavyskillinvestment into theSocialskill tree. In the secondskilllevel, you find Isolation which increases your damage and damage reduction playing solo. This would be the ultimate goal later in the game, post-level 50, with an abundance of skill points.

Build Summary – File Not Found Best Build for Starfield

Background – File Not Found

Traits – Alien DNA, Wanted, Extrovert

Primary Weapon – Big Bang

Secondary Weapon – Hard Target

Armor – Mercenary

Companion – Vasco


  • Armor Penetration
  • Boost Pack Training
  • Shotgun Certification
  • Weapon Engineering
  • Spacesuit Design
  • Ballistics
  • Stealth
  • Particle Beams
  • Targeting
  • Shield Systems

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Best File Not Found Starfield Build Guide (2024)


Best File Not Found Starfield Build Guide? ›

According to the game's description, choosing the File Not Found background means there is no information about the created character's past life. However, the direct reason for this is kept a secret. Options range from a simple clerical oversight to deletion from a powerful organization.

What is the file not found in Starfield starting skills? ›

According to the game's description, choosing the File Not Found background means there is no information about the created character's past life. However, the direct reason for this is kept a secret. Options range from a simple clerical oversight to deletion from a powerful organization.

What is the best background to choose in Starfield? ›

We feel that the best Starfield backgrounds are Bounty Hunter, Cyber Runner, and Diplomat. Bear in mind that the background you pick during character creation only nets you three tier 1 skills from different categories.

Do backgrounds matter in Starfield? ›

Your Background is a fundamental part of your character in Starfield. It will affect your playstyle, your goals, and how other characters interact with you. So choose wisely!

Does background change dialogue in Starfield? ›

The backgrounds are notated by starting with A or An (i.e. "A Soldier", "An Explorer"). This allows you to quickly determine which traits are "backgrounds". They serve no other purpose than giving you more dialogue options.

What are the best traits for file not found in Starfield? ›

Traits. Alien DNA, Wanted, and Extrovert are the best traits for a File Not Found build in Starfield because they aid in oxygen capacity while exploring or giving a damage boost when health is low.

How many hours does it take to complete Starfield? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Starfield is about 23 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 144 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Can you romance in Starfield? ›

Like many major RPGs, Starfield lets you fall in love with companions as you travel. Romance in Starfield serves many purposes beyond just roleplay, though: you'll get frequent gifts, unlock exciting new quests, and even net a large XP bonus that'll help you level up faster.

What is the best build in Starfield? ›

Best Starfield Builds List
  • Beast Hunter. The Beast Hunters will excel at planetary exploration on the ground and controlling Alien creatures. ...
  • Bounty Hunter. ...
  • Demolition Expert Build. ...
  • Melee Build. ...
  • Sniper Build. ...
  • Soldier Build. ...
  • Speech & Persuasion Build. ...
  • Stealth Build.
May 13, 2024

What are the best starting traits in Starfield? ›

For our money, the best traits to select when creating a character in Starfield are Kid Stuff, Dream Home, and Alien DNA.

Can you go to Earth in Starfield? ›

To reach Earth in Starfield, you'll need to unlock the fast travel mechanic so you can travel to the Sol system. Here's a quick summary: Fast travel is unlocked early in the campaign, and the game opens up once you arrive in New Atlantis in the Alpha Centauri system.

What is the most fun background in Starfield? ›

What Are the Best Backgrounds in Starfield? The best backgrounds in Starfield are arguably Diplomat, Space Scoundrel, Bounty Hunter, and Industrialist.

Can you get implants in Starfield? ›

During Ryujin Industries mission The Key Ingredient, you finally get your very own neuroamp implant. That's right, this Starfield mission will grant you the ability to manipulate people using nothing but your brain.

Is Bounty Hunter a good background in Starfield? ›

Bounty Hunter - For pilots at heart, the Bounty Hunter is a great starting background. You unlock ship targeting early, allowing you to target specific enemy ship subsystems to (for example) take their engines offline and board them; and you also gain a point in Piloting for ship thruster functionality early on.

Is Starfield playable from start to finish? ›

While the game's release date is still a mystery, we have recently learned that the game is indeed complete, in the sense that it can be played from start to finish. Multiple development sources recently told Windows Central that Starfield is playable in full, from the game's opening all the way to the end credits.

How to get hard target in Starfield? ›

After reaching level 32 or higher, the Hard Target unlocks at many shops and can be purchased with credits for 20510 or less from the Trade Authority and many other weapon vendors in New Atlantis, Cydonia, Neon, and Akila City.

How long was Starfield in Dev? ›

they claim this game was in planning for 25 years, and in development for 8 years, then why does every single feature in this game feel halfassed / rushed last minute? They never said that!

What is the file size of Starfield? ›

With that trend in mind, many are naturally wondering just how much storage they'll need to keep available for Bethesda's massive space exploration title. Officially, Starfield's download size is 125GB.

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